A plate of perfectly-cooked white rice is the foundation of any traditional Latin and Caribbean dish. Follow my recipe and tips for cooking perfect white rice every time!
Thoroughly rinse your rice with cold water until the water runs clear.
Place a caldero (pot) over high heat.
Add water, rice, salt, and oil. Stir to combine. Taste the water and adjust salt if necessary.
Bring to a boil and after 2 minutes, cover the pot. Reduce the heat to low and cook for 25 minutes.
Uncover, and fluff the rice. Serve and enjoy!
As a rule of thumb, for every 2 cups of Jasmine rice, use 1 1/2 tsp salt, 1 1/2 tbsp oil, and 3 cups water.Always taste the water and adjust salt, if necessary. It is better to under-salt than over-salt.Use a caldero to cook the rice. The caldero has to be at least twice as large as the amount of rice and water combined for best results. Using a caldero that is too small will result in unevenly cooked rice.