limber de morir soñando

Limber de Morir Soñando (Orange Creamsicle Ice Pops)

Limber de morir soñando tastes just like orange creamsicle ice pops. Morir soñando is a traditional Dominican drink made with orange juice, milk, and vanilla extract. I kick it up a notch by adding passion fruit juice and condensed milk for a deliciously creamy ice pop perfect for summer!

In Puerto Rico, limber is traditionally made in small plastic cups. Once frozen, you flip the ice pop upside down and place it back in the cup to make it easier to eat. I like adding a popsicle stick to make them easier to hold while eating. You could also use a popsicle mold to make popsicles or paletas.

What is limber?

What is a limber, anyway? Limber got its name from pilot Charles A. Lindbergh, who landed on the island in 1928. According to locals, Lindbergh was greeted with a frozen juice that later was referred to as limbers. Limber is how many in Puerto Rico pronounce the pilot’s name. 

What is morir soñando?

Morir soñando is a traditional drink made in the Dominican Republic. It has become popular in other Caribbean and Latin American countries as well. The drink is made with orange juice, evaporated milk, sugar, vanilla extract, and ice. It can also be made with other citrus fruits and tropical fruits like passion fruit.

Limber de morir soñando ingredients:

  • Fresh squeezed orange juice
  • Jugo de parcha
  • Passion fruit pulp
  • Leche evaporada
  • Condensed milk
  • Sugar
  • Vainilla

I love using fresh passion fruit for this recipe. When I need tropical fruit that is not available in my area or out of season, I love to I order from Tropical Fruit Box.Use mi código de descuento MADEWITHSAZON para ahorrar $10 en su orden.

You could also use store bought passion fruit juice and/or frozen passion fruit pulp instead. Keep in mind that some brands of juice contain a lot of sugar, so add sugar a little at a time, if at all.

How to make orange creamsicle ice pops?

To a blender, add the passion fruit juice, passion fruit pulp, orange juice, sugar, vanilla extract and ice. Blend on lowest setting for about 10 seconds. The mixture should be very cold so that it doesn’t break when adding the milk.

Add the evaporated milk and condensed milk and blend on the lowest setting for about 10-15 seconds. Use a strainer to remove any chunks of ice. Pour the mixture into plastic cups and cover the cups with lids. Place in the freezer and freeze for about 1-2 hours. When it’s halfway frozen, place a popsicle stick in the center. 

Place back in the freezer and freeze for at least 6 hours or overnight. Serve with orange slices and fresh mint leaves as garnish. I like using these 5 ounce cups with lids. It’s important to cover the limber to keep its flavor fresh. It’s important to cover the limber to keep its flavor fresh.

limber de morir soñando

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limber de morir soñando

Limber de Morir Soñando (Orange Creamsicle Ice Pops)

Limber de morir soñando are orange creamsicle ice pops. Morir soñando is a traditional Dominican drink made with orange juice, milk, and vanilla extract. I kick it up a notch by adding passion fruit juice and condensed milk for a deliciously creamy ice pop perfect for summer!
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 5 minutes
Freeze Time 6 hours
Total Time 6 hours 5 minutes
Servings 8 people


  • 8 plastic cups with lids 5 oz (see notes for links)
  • popsicle sticks
  • Popsicle tray opcional


  • 2 tazas jugo de parcha
  • 1 taza fresh-squeezed orange juice
  • 1 taza passion fruit pulp without seeds
  • 1 taza leche evaporada
  • 1 taza condensed milk
  • 2 tbsp clear vanilla extract
  • 1/2 taza azúcar blanca or to taste
  • 1/2 taza ice
  • 1 tsp orange extract opcional
  • orange slices for garnish, optional
  • menta fresca for garnish, optional


  • To a blender, add passion fruit juice, passion fruit pulp, orange juice, sugar, vanilla extract and ice. Blend on lowest setting for about 10 seconds.
  • Add evaporated milk and condensed milk and blend on lowest setting for about 10-15 seconds.
  • Use a strainer to remove any chunks of ice. Pour mixture into plastic cups and cover the cups with lids.
  • Place in the freezer and freeze for about 1-2 hours. When it's halfway frozen, place a popsicle stick in the center. 
  • Place back in the freezer and freeze for at least 6 hours or overnight. Serve with orange slices and fresh mint leaves as garnish. Enjoy!



¿Como hacer jugo de parcha?

  • 2 cups passion fruit pulp (from fresh passion fruit)
  • 4 cups water, (more if you prefer less tartness)
  • 3 tbsp cane sugar, or to taste
Add all ingredients to a blender. Blend a few seconds so you don’t break the seeds. Strain with a nut milk bag or mesh strainer. Store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.
Shop my Amazon favorites:
Me encanta usar mi Ninja Foodi Power Blender for making juice, smoothies, limber, dough, even masa for pasteles y alcapurrias.! ¡Es mi aparato de cocina favorito! Compre mis otros artículos favoritos de Amazon que usé para esta receta.
Ninja Blender: Shop here
Plastic cups with lids: Shop here
Popsicle mold: Shop here
Pitcher: Shop here
Popsicle sticks: Shop here
¿Donde encontrar parcha fresca?
La parcha fresca se puede encontrar en los supermercados y tiendas de comestibles hispanos. Recibí mi parcha de Tropical Fruit Box.Use mi código de descuento MADEWITHSAZON to save $10 on your order.
If you can’t find fresh passion fruit, use frozen passion fruit pulp and passion fruit nectar instead.
Keyword limber, limber de morir soñando, morir soñando

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