Pink Guava Margarita

Pink Guava Margarita Recipe (Margarita de Guayaba)

This pink guava margarita recipe is made with fragrant pink guavas and pink pineapple juice. This perfect combination of tropical fruit will transport your taste buds to an island in the Caribbean with just one sip! Save this refreshing guava margarita recipe for Valentine’s Day, a brunch event, Barbie-themed party, holiday or any occasion! Pink drinks are the best (and most pretty!), in my opinion!

Growing up Puerto Rican, I remember eating pastelillos de guayaba (guava turnovers) made with homemade guava jam, and guava paste with queso blanco or queso de bola (gouda cheese). Guava juice was also a favorite as well as eating fresh guavas. As an adult, I enjoy anything guava-flavored. It brings me back to my childhood days.

Where to find pink guava?

Pink guavas can be found at Hispanic supermarkets and grocery stores but white guavas are more accessible, for some reason.

Pink pineapples are a bit more difficult to find in-store. I received my pink guava and pink pineapple from Tropical Fruit Box.Use mi código de descuento MADEWITHSAZON para ahorrar $10 en su orden.

Pink Pineapple from Tropical Fruit Box

Ingredients for making a guava margarita:

  • Pink guava
  • Pink pineapple
  • Tequila blanco
  • Triple sec
  • Jugo de lima

Me encanta usar mi Ninja Foodi Power Blender para hacer jugos, batidos, e incluso masa para pasteles y alcapurrias.¡Es mi aparato de cocina favorito!

Ninja Foodi Power Blender

I blend the juice on the lowest setting so that the seeds don’t get pulverized. Then I use a nut milk bag or mesh strainer to strain the juice. Store the juice in a sealed container in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

What can I substitute for pink guava?

If you can’t find fresh pink guavas use guava nectar or frozen guava pulp instead. Regular, fresh, or frozen pineapple can be used as well. Other tropical fruits that work well in this recipe are passion fruit, mango and papaya.

How to make rimming sugar?

I love making rimming sugar at home. I use organic cane sugar and I add ingredients like dried rose petals, freeze-dried strawberries, and lime or orange zest to make the prettiest rimming sugar. Use honey and a basting brush to paint your glass before dipping in the sugar mixture.

Rimming sugar

Puedo hacer la bebida sin alcohol?

Yes, just omit the alcohol to turn this drink into a gorgeous mocktail. My kids love the pink guava pineapple juice. Sometimes I rim my daughter’s cup with the floral rimming sugar because she’s fancy! It’s a great drink option for children and expecting mamas!

¡Por favor déjame una clasificación de estrellas y un comentario!

If you enjoy this pink guava margarita recipe, please leave me a 5 star review and also comment at the bottom of this blog post! Your feedback makes me so HAPPY! It also makes it easier for my recipes to be found on Google. THANK YOU in advance!

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Pink Guava Margarita

Pink Guava Margarita

This margarita recipe is made with fragrant pink guavas and pink pineapple juice. Save this refreshing guava margarita recipe for Valentine's Day, a brunch event, Barbie-themed party, holiday or any occasion! Omit the alcohol to make it a delicious mocktail!
5 from 3 votes
Prep Time 10 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Servings 1 person


  • 1 Blender Ninja Foodi Power Blender and Processor (see notes)
  • 1 nut milk bag or mesh strainer for straining juice



  • 4 oz pink guava pineapple juice see notes
  • 2 oz tequila blanco
  • 1 oz triple sec
  • 1 oz jugo de lima
  • 1/2 tsp agave opcional
  • 1/2 taza ice
  • 1 sprig fresh mint para adornar

Rimming sugar

  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1 tsp freeze-dried strawberries
  • 1 tsp dried rose petals
  • 1 tsp orange zest
  • 1/2 tsp honey for rimming glass


  • On a flat plate, combine sugar, freeze-dried strawberries, dried rose petals and orange zest. Brush honey on the side of a glass or around the rim. Dip the glass in the sugar mixture. Set aside.
  • To a cocktail shaker, add tequila, triple sec, lime juice, guava pineapple juice, agave (if using) and a few ice cubes. Cover and shake vigorously for 10 seconds or until frost begins to form on the shaker.
  • Add ice cubes to the prepared glass. Pour the guava margarita into the glass and garnish with a sprig of mint. Enjoy!



How to make pink guava pineapple juice?
  • 2 cups pink guava, diced
  • 2 cups pink pineapple, diced
  • 2 cups water
  • 2 tbsp cane sugar, optional
Mezcla todos los ingredientes a una licuadora. Cuela si es necesario con una bolsa de leche de nueces o un colador. Guárdelo en el refrigerador hasta por 5 días.
(If you can’t find pink guava or pink pineapple, use frozen guava pulp or guava nectar instead. Regular pineapple can be used as well.)
*I love using my Ninja Foodi Power Blender para hacer jugos, batidos, e incluso masa para pasteles y alcapurrias.¡Es mi aparato de cocina favorito!
Where to find pink guavas?
Pink guavas can be found at Hispanic supermarkets and grocery stores but white guavas are more accessible, for some reason. Pink pineapples are a bit more difficult to find in-store. I received my pink guava and pink pineapple from Tropical Fruit Box.Use mi código de descuento madewithsazon to save $10 on your order.

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3 thoughts on “Pink Guava Margarita Recipe (Margarita de Guayaba)”

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